
Monday, February 21, 2011

The Presidential Dessert

Because today is Presidents Day, it's only fitting that our inaugural blog be about Presidents. Yes, our presidents like ice cream too. In fact, our very first president, George Washington, was an ice cream lover. His first taste of the frozen delight came while celebrating with the French in Philadelphia. After returning to Mount Vernon, the newly smitten Washington spent $200 over the summer on ice cream. Using the CPI, that's almost $5000 in today's dollars. Now that's a lot of ice cream! Washington even purchased his own ice cream machine to serve his afternoon guests at his home.Thomas Jefferson was also an ice cream aficionado. He purchased his ice cream machines after learning to make the delight while living in France. Jefferson hired a French chef to make his ice cream for his guests at Monticello. Later he became one of the first Presidents to serve ice cream at the White House. Lincoln and Madison both served ice cream at their inaugurations, and Truman served it to poker pals. But, one U.S. President actually earned a living with ice cream. President Barack Obama used to work at Baskin Robbins in 1979 while living in Hawaii.
Yes, this simple, frozen treat has captivated even the most presidential of hearts, as well as the rest of their constituents.
So today, Presidents Day, we pay homage to our country's great leaders: I scream! You scream! Even Presidents scream for ice cream!

What's Cooking America

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